Stage 14


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 14.
Stage 14

Question 53 – There was a panic at the music hall when the conductor suddenly collapsed. He was rushed to ER but passed away unfortunately. Police now suspects one of the band members. But Why?
Answer – The arrow in the chest of the victim made the police suspect the band members because they are all facing the conductor.’

Question 54 – Police couldn’t find a device to shoot the arrow from the band member’s belongings. But there is one person who could’ve shot the arrow without such device. Who could that be?
Answer – The harp player could have shot the arrow by using it as a makeshift bow.

Question 55 – what item in this room indiacates that the victim may have been intimate with one of the men here?
Answer – The timpanist (drummer) on the right is laughing, indicating that he was the accomplice who distracted the conductor.

Question 56 – Why was the conductor murdered? A certain item on his body gives a clues.
Answer – The conductor was killed due to the lipstick stain on his collar, indicating that he was having an affair.