Stage 18


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 18.
Stage 18

Question 69 – A member of a popular girl group is found dead backstage. What indicates that the crime took place just a moment ago?
Answer – The drop of blood in midair in the picture indicates that the crime just happened a moment ago.

Question 70 – A closer look at this room reveals something odd. What are > doing here?
Answer – The coins scattered all over the floor are an indication that something is off with the scene.

Question 71 – One of the three people present in this rom is dressed in a weird way. Which one is it and Why?
Answer – The girl in the heavy black jacket is the one who is dressed unusually for the scene. Everyone else is in summer clothes.

Question 72 – It’s clear that the murderer is currently wearing the object she used as her murder weapon. You can even see the damage it got from the crime. What is that object?
Answer – The rip in the girl’s leggings are a sign that they were used in the crime. The leggings were filled with coins and used to hurt the victim.