Stage 19


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 19.
Stage 19

Question 73 – A Woman had drowned in the bathtub at home. She must have really loved spending a long time in her bath. Which item in her bathroom indicates that?
Answer – The tablet/waterproof television on the side of the tub indicates that the woman spent a long time in the bath.

Question 74 – What could cause the victim to drown?
Answer – The bottle of wine on the tray is a sign that the women got drunk and drowned in the tub.

Question 75 – A female investigator notices something which suggests a foul play. There’s an item in the bathroom which indiacates that the victim had her hair tied at the time of her death.
Answer – there is a hair tie floating next to the woman’s hair in the water, indicating that her hair was tied up at the time of death.

Question 76 – There’s something else strange about this scene if the victim really did get drunk and drowned. What is it?
Answer – The head of the victim is still above the water. This indicates that the victim did not actually drown, otherwise her head would still be underwater.