Stage 6


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 6.
Stage 6

Question 21 – A burnt body of a gofler was found on a gold course. Police Speculate this man was electrocuted by a lightening. Which part of the scene shows that a lightening had struck near him?
Answer – The lightning-shaped marks in the grass show that the golfer was hit by lightning and died.

Question 22 – Was the weather bad at the time of the accident? Does anything in the scene indiacte that?
Answer – The puddle of water next to the golfer’s body indicates that the weather was bad during the incident.

Question 23 – Although there are many tall trees on the golf course. the lightening specifically struck the golfer. Why?
Answer – The lightning specifically struck the golfer, despite the tall trees, because of the golf club planted in the ground next to him. Golf clubs are metal, and metal attracts lightning.

Question 24 – Police figures that this wasn’t a simple lightning accident. Rather, someone had immobilized the man beforehand and led the lightening to strike him. What led police to this conclusion?
Answer – Police conclude that the man was immobilized before the lightning strike by being hit over the head with another golf club, which is laying on the ground bent next to him.