Stage 7


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 7.
Stage 7

Question 25 – Police received a call at night from a nurse reporting on a death of a female doctor. upon arriving the hospital, what did the police find to be the cause of her death?
Answer – The red mark on the victim’s neck indicates that she was strangled.

Question 26 – The Murderer seems to be injured. How did police know that?
Answer – The blood smear on the ground is indication that the assailant was injured, because the victim fought back.

Question 27 – How did the murderer get injured?
Answer – The murderer was injured by the pen that the doctor was holding, and is still holding even after her death.

Question 28 – She was killed by someone working at the hospital but not by a patient. What item in the room prompted the investigator to think so?
Answer – She was killed by someone working at the hospital, due to the open book on her desk. The book indicates that she was on her break at the time.