Stage 72


Here are the answers, cheats and solutions to Pocket Mystery Stage 72.
Stage 72

Question 278 – The man works at a convenience store, as evidenced by the “convenience store” on the back of the jacket.
Answer – We will UPDATE soon

Question 279 – The hose feeding into the rear passenger door window is what makes the convenience store workers think that this was a suicide. The hose is connected to the car exhaust pipe.
Answer – We will UPDATE soon

Question 280 – The question gives away the answer. The snow would have melted off of the hood if the engine was on, but there is snow on the hood, leading police to believe it’s a homicide.
Answer – We will UPDATE soon

Question 281 – There is a key stuck in the door of the car, which is what leads police to believe that this was a homicide and not a suicide.
Answer – We will UPDATE soon