Wordscapes Thick (Jungle) Level 657 – 672 Answers and Cheats


Listed below are the answers and cheats to Thick levels 657 to 672 in Jungle Pack.


  1. My version of Thick Level 9 does not have the same letter layout. I have all the words but cannot use the correct letters, apparently. Help???

  2. Thick level 5 it is impossible to get. There is no way to spell panties. Cheat has a different puzzle. Any suggestions

  3. I am on Thick level 15. The puzzle is different than the one on cheats and has an x in it where as the answers do not have one x in any of them. I can’t move on and am stuck. Help

  4. I’m stuck on Thick level 6 and have been woking on it for several days. I can get every word excpt stern. I think I must be doing something wrong on the right hand side of the puzzle but I am having no luck in figuring out what it is. Please Toby if you could help me I’d be able to sleep at night.

  5. I am stuck on Thick Level 9, I know the answers but can’t get the order right, can someone please help, I cant go any further until I get this

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