Wordscapes Brook (Woodland) Level 1489 – 1504 Answers and Cheats


Listed below are the answers and cheats to Brook levels 1489 to 1504 in Woodland Pack.


  1. Brook level 10 doesn’t match up when you check it with game solver. It says one of the words is sheriff but the correct letters aren’t there. You can see the letters for the other words but can’t get to them.

  2. Why do the levels I’m on not match up to the “cheats?” Brook level 13 is 8×8 but I only find smaller boards when I look for help…

  3. Thank you Grant, but we are not talking about same puzzle. I’m on Brook 1. No matter how I try there is an E left over 🙁 I have done the words in order as far as possible. i.e: BUTTER, ICEBERG…Would be delighted to know if anyone has finished it & cleared all letters.

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